Category:Game Progression

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Normal Ending Progression

Fundamentals Book Progression

When you first enter your Cabin after the beginning cutscene, there is a book on the table to your right on it, it reads "Fundamentals". Once gone over to and interacted with (normal keybind is 'E' to interact), it then opens up to two pages the left one is talking about the grade list. On all the other pages after that are the peaks of the fundamental book. Each peak page shows an image of the peak, the name, grade, description, and the place where your stamp goes when summiting a peak. The first peak is Greenhorn's Top, Once you click on the peak's image it will play a loading screen with your player walking up a hill in a forest, a quote about climbing, and a loading bar.

Greenhorns top page progression.png

This peak is small compared to the later peaks of the fundamentals. At the top sits Porter, which informs you that the route starts at the left of this rock. After that you make your way to the left which then shows a mouse with the left click being clicked over the first hold which teaches you that you in order to hold onto a hold you need to click left click on it. Then another button gets displayed when you get near the first hold Infront of your screen that is the space bar button which reads "Jump" with the button also being clicked, which tells you that in order to jump you need to hit the space bar. when you combine jumping and clicking left click while Infront of the hold you then grab the hold. then once you are on a hold a set of buttons gets displayed which are the arrow keys, which shows the left arrow then the right arrow being clicked with text above the keys which reads "Swing while holding on", which tells you that in order to swing you need to press one of the arrow keys and then the opposite key to the key you pressed. Once you get the feel for swinging another mouse button shows up on the next hold but this time it shows the right mouse button being clicked. Once you get enough swing to swing to the next hold you then grab onto the next hold with your right hand. After that you climb the rest of the route (most likely flailing around). But if you fall twice, porter then offers you his hand and you can grab it and he will pull you up to the summit.

Porter grab hand progression.png

When you get to the summit Porter tells you that didn't do too bad on your first ascent and then he tells you to claim your stamp and that he assumes that he will meet you again. After talking to Porter, you see a box to your right which reads "Summit Stamper" and at the bottom says "Official Ascension Society" or for sort "OAS" which is the society for peak-bagging. once interacted with opens the box up, inside is a stamp which if interacted with pulls up your book and then some text shows up saying "Press "INTERACT" to Stamp Peak Journal" once interacted stamps the page, with the stamp saying "Summited". The book then closes, and you get the option to stay on the peak or go back to your cabin. If you press 'Escape' on your keyboard you stay on the peak and can leave by your Player's Backpack or by stamping your book again, if you press any other button, it will pull up your Map of The Great Gales and show your player walking back to your cabin from Greenhorn's Top. Then the loading screen will play with your player walking down a hill, and after that you are back at your cabin.

Stamp greenhorns progression.png

After you get back to your cabin you get a knock at the door. If you choose to not open it, they will continue to knock until you open it. Once you open the door, the OAS Official is standing at your door because you have beaten one peak, he then talks to you that is here representing the OAS and is wishing you luck on your peak-bagging journey. And then walks off, and you enter back into your cabin after that you proceed to flip through the fundamental book and click on the next peak.

Oas offical one progression.png

The next peak is Paltry Peak, this is a short and vertical peak and takes place on a small mountain a valley. This peak looks to me like Liberty Cap which I saw on my visit to Yellowstone. This peak has around ten holds all in a vertical order. When you grab onto the first hold some text comes up that says "Hold 'Jump' to pull towards hold" and a button of the space bar being pressed under it. If you do that you can then pull towards the hold, and that's how you grab holds that are above you. once you summit the peak you then stamp your book and stay on the peak or go back to your cabin.

Paltry peak progression.png

Once you get back to your cabin somebody else knocks at your door. Once you answer the door you are greeted by Parcel Boy who is holding a big package for you, which is the Gramophone, he then talks about the peak-bagging challenge and that he would love to do it himself, and tells you that an older fella sent this to you in regards to your first ascents, then they greet you good day and walk off. After that you can access the gramophone from inside your cabin that is on the same table as the fundamental book. If you hover your mouse over the gramophone and you can left click to switch to the next song, or right click to turn off the gramophone. After the mess with the music, you then go back to the fundamental book and select the next peak.

Gramophone progression.png

The next peak is the Old Mill, it is a windmill and is surrounded by a forest with a stream going Infront of it and a bridge stretching across the stream to the mill. Once you enter this peak you are on the other side of the stream from the mill, so you go across the bridge, and you see an old man named Walter on the left side of the mill. He then tells you that he does a bit of maintenance at the mill and that there is a hat stuck up on a tree off to the side of the mill, and that feel free to grab it off the tree. After that you climb up the mill by grabbing onto the wings of it which move around in a circular formation, once you get near the top you can either get the collectable or summit. If you summit the mill Walter will congratulate you on your summit and hopes to see you again some time, and then you claim your stamp and head back to your cabin or stay on the peak to get the collectable. if you decide you get the collectable you then can wait until the wings move around to where the collectable is, and you can grab it (You might have to jump to reach it). After that if you summit, it's the same dialogue from Walter, and you get your stamp and head off to your cabin.

Old mill progression.png

Once back inside your cozy cabin you get a knock on the door. If you open the door you are greeted to Parcel Father who is the father of Parcel Boy. He then greets you and tells you he has a parcel for you, he says a fella named Porter sent him to deliver it to you in honor of conquering your very first peaks. He then greats you a goodbye and walks off. After that you see a bag on the ground beside your chair with the hat you got from the mill inside. You then sit down and a mini game happens where you clean the collectable which is the hat, you have to clean the tumbleweed off of the collectable. To clean the hat aim you mouse at the tumbleweed and hold down left click and to rotate the item, hold down right click until you rotated it to where you need. Once cleaned it spins and tells you the description of the item, then you put it on the shelf to the right side of the door of the cabin.

After cleaning the hat, you see that is the Safety Rope which will now be on the shelf to your right with all of your collectables when entering your cabin. you can use the safety rope on peaks by using the key bind 'R' to hold the hammer out and if you are close enough to a surface an outline of the rope will appear if you press 'E' you can then anchor it into the fall, then if you fall it will catch you so you don't fall to your demise, but it can only go so far, after you go too far away from the anchor of the rope the rope will keep you from going farther so you can detach the rope by looking down and pressing 'T', make sure you are ready to grab onto a hold if you are not already while detaching. And if you end up falling while anchored into your rope and want to get back up to the top of the rope, look up and hold down 'Q' that should make you climb to the top of the rope. If you want to detach the rope from the wall, press "R" to bring out your hammer and hover it over the rope that is anchored in and press "E" to interact while holding onto a hold and it will detach the rope from the wall.

You also get the Safety Harness which is located on the wall between the table that the fundamental book is and the shelf with the collectables and safety rope are. With the safety harness it allows you to collect ropes while being attached to a rope. But using this tool on an advanced and expert peak will affect some of the achievements you get for completing the peak. To use the safety harness in your cabin, hover your mouse over it and press 'E' to interact with it, after that it should show an outline of the harness to show that you are using it, to put it back, just hover over it and press 'E'. Once you check out your new tools you go back to the fundamental book and select the next peak.

Old mill collectbale description.png

The next peak is Gray Gully, this peak is on a side of a gully, with a forest inside and around the gully. Once you enter the peak you can see the Pearse brothers trying to scale the climb. Archie is holding up Douglas so that he can reach a hold. when you approach them, you can hear them arguing to each other. Once you decide to talk to the brothers, they ask if you are here to climb the gully and warn you of the first obstacle of the game which is tumbleweed. Once you look at the route you can see that there is tumbleweed on the holds, when you try to grab one of the holds, the tumbleweed brushes off the hold and then you can grab the hold. You continue scaling the gully and realize that the path splits off into two different directions, the left route has a collectable which is a piece of a torn photograph, the route then goes further up then connects back to the right route. The right route goes to the top of the peak with more tumbleweed on the holds which you must clear to progress. Once you summit the gully, Archie congratulates you on the summit and you then claim your stamp and head to your cabin or stay on the peak to get the collectable if you didn't. Once you get back to your cabin you clean the collectable, and put it on your shelf, then you go into the book and select the next peak.

Gray gully progression.png

The next peak is The Lighthouse. it is an old lighthouse off to the east coast of The Great Gales. There is a forest near the lighthouse as well. When you first enter the peak, you see Porter sitting on a rock to the right side of the lighthouse. Once talked to Porter will say that he swore he saw a siren amongst the waves and warns you about loose bricks on the lighthouse. You then start to scale the lighthouse, and about five holds up you encounter the loss bricks which if held for too long come off the wall. The way to tell if they are loose holds is if they are already coming out of the structure. then you continue through the climb with more loose bricks scattered around. The route is a spiral around the lighthouse, but the ending is vertical. Once on top of the structure you find a seagull that is just minding its own business if you touch it, they fly away. After that you claim your stamp and head back to your cabin. Once inside you go to your book and select the next peak.

The light house progression.png

The next peak is Old Man Of Sjór. This peak is on the east coast of The Great Gales, you can see the beginning of a forest further inland from this peak. Once you enter this peak you see Porter at the summit, he then greats you and warns you about the seagulls, then he throws you down a rope. Once you start climbing you notice that there is a lot of tumbleweed scattered around the holds. Once you have gone a bit up you have two different paths, if you choose the path to the right, you end up going up around five holds and on you then hit a Seagull which is one of the most annoying obstacles in the early game. Once touched they fly off of their hold and if you hold onto a hold near that hold for too long that same seagull will come back and peck one of your hands off of a hold. To avoid this, you can jump up right before it pecks one of your hands or bait a seagull to one of your hands while having both hands on different holds, and you can also slap the seagull with your hand to stop them from pecking your hand off. Once you deal with the seagull, you go further up and deal with another seagull and then you are at the summit. I will say this route is harder due to its long jumps and calculated movements. If you choose the left route you will meet a seagull which you can try to avoid if you please but is difficult. Then you keep going seeing more tumbleweed and seagulls then the route gets more vertical, at the top of the route there is a seagull in the path of a collectable, this collectable is the Climbing Shoe. Once you have gotten the collectable you can go to the right to meet with the right path or go a bit lower to go to another path which leads you to the right path as well. Once you summit this mount, Porter says you should quit using some many ropes and take some risks, and then tells you to claim your stamp. You get your stamp and head to your cabin or stay to get the collectable.

Old man progression.png

Once you get back into your cabin the OAS President knocks at your door. Once you open the door, he greets you, and says he is here on behalf of the Official Ascension Society. He then tells you that if you choose to collect the items left behind from other mountaineers, he will put in a reward for you. He then gives you a package, then wishes you luck on your journey. Once inside you open your package and see that it is the Map Of Great Gales and the Barometer. The map is of The Great Gales which includes all the Fundamental, Intermediate, and advanced peaks. It shows where each peak is located and how many collectables you have left to find on each peak by adding a question mark per collectable under the peaks name. The barometer shows you the air pressure, altitude, highest altitude on a peak, cardinal direction and direction of the closest collectable on a peak if any. Both of them will be stored on the wall to the left of the cabin. After you check out your new gear you flip to the next peak.

Barometer and map description.png

The next peak is Giant's Shelf. This peak is surrounded by woodland and is shaped like an arch. Once you enter the peak you see Porter who is having a hard time with the Crimp holds, and falls to the floor. You can then talk to them, he then tells you there are crimps on this peak and tells you about them, they then wish you luck. After you talk to Porter you decide to walk to the right where you see a path of crimps leading to the Sleeping Bag. You climb up to the sleeping bag and collect it. Going back to Porter you see a route the starts off as crimps and then goes to regular holds which you scale. You then have a section that the holds are on the ceiling of the formation which you complete. On the last crimp hold you then have to reach around the rock to hold onto a normal hold. You then continue with many crimp holds around the rock. After a bit you get to a place where you have to jump to reach a hold which you do. Then you have to jump to get to another hold facing away from the rock. After you complete that you continue around the peak and you get to a spot with a crimp that you have to hold and jump to a normal hold in front of you. Once you reach it you climb up the peak until you reach the top. Once up top, you stamp your book and either go back to your cabin or get the collectable. Once you get back to your cabin you clean the sleeping bag and head onto the next peak.

Giants shelf progression.png

The next peak is Evergreen's End. This peak is surrounded by a evergreen forest. Once you enter the peak you see a branches on the rock formation. Once grabbed they will lean down, if you do it more towards the end of the branch it will lean down more. you then climb up until you have to grab onto another branch which you have to go back and forth up from branch to branch for about 5 branches. Once done you have to grab onto some normal holds to the left of the peak and you will encounter some tumbleweed which is hiding a hold. Once removed you may grab the hold and then you grab a branch that is pointing towards the ground. Then you have to swing on the branch to another branch then to another which has tumbleweed on it. Once you are on the third branch you clear the tumbleweed on it and climb up the branch. At the top you see the main route to the right and a rope to the left. You decide to get the rope by grabbing the crimp to the left and then the hold that the rope is on and you then grab the rope which you collect. After you get back to the branch you decide to progress forward. After clearing some tumbleweed you grab onto a branch and then the one to the left of it. Once you get on that branch you see a collectable which is the Fisherman's Cap. You then grab the cap that is above the branch on the peak. Once you focus on submitting the peak again you see a branch in the distance on the right side of the peak. You then have swing then jump to reach the branch which you successfully make. Then you move forward clearing tumbleweed and grabbing onto holds. Nearing the top you have to grab onto a branch so you can reach a hold. After you complete that you reach the top, you stamp your book and head to the cabin or get the collectables then go to your cabin.

Once you get back to your cabin you hear a knock on your door. You answer it and find the OAS Official at the door. He then tells you that every peak introduces a new aspect of climbing, and that you must conquer them. He then wishes you luck and leaves. You then go to your table and clean the Fisherman's Cap and place it on your shelf. You then open your book and head to the next peak.

Evergreens end progression.png

The next peak is The Twins. This peak is a pair of stacks along a lake shore. Once you enter the peak you hear Archie and Douglas talking about the crux on this peak. You go over to talk to them and Archie greats you. He then tells you about the crux on this peak which is called "The Leap Of Faith", and that it is the hardest part of the route. Douglas then jokes around and Archie says he wants to see you give the crux a try and gives you Coffee. Coffee temporarily increases climbing abilities by pressing the hotkey "C" or through inventory belt while on on peaks, and Archie only gives you five coffee uses. You can find more Coffee Box which contain two more coffee uses when collected and cleaned. Once you are done talking to the Pearse brothers you walk up to the stacks. The route is simple with you having to switch between holds on each stack once in awhile while scaling the stacks. the beginning of the route has some crimps but then transitions to regular holds. After a bit you have more crimp holds and you must traverse them.

At around 12 meters up, text appears near the top of the screen saying "Crux Reached" and under it saying the name of the crux, "The Leap Of Faith". At this crux you can use coffee, it isn't needed but its easier with it. To continue you have to use coffee then swing and leap to the holds above the crux, from what I recall, coffee lasts for around seven and a half seconds, so be quick with the jump. Once making it to the next hold, text appears near the top of the screen saying "Crux Completed" which tells you that you have completed that crux. Once you finish the crux you traverse the stack, with some crimps being some of the last holds. Once you get to the summit of the stack Archie congratulates you on your climb. You then stamp your book and head back to your cabin. Once in the cabin you select the next peak in your book.

The twins progression.png

The next peak is Old Grove's Skelf. This peak rests in a beech forest. Once you enter the peak you see Porter sitting on a rock to the right side of the peak. If you talk to him he tells you that he is tinkering with some steel, trying to make something to help with climbing, he tells you that if you summit this skelf then he will send you the device once it's finished. Once you finish talking with Porter you start climbing the peak. Above the first hold is some thorn bushes. When grabbed, your hand is pushed backward for a second. Learning from this, you try to avoid the thorns as to not fall. You come across a overhang and some holds on it. The second hold on the overhang has a crow on it named Russell. Russell acts as a reskinned seagull, they act the same as a seagull so that means if you grab the hold they are resting on then they will start trying to attack you. To avoid this you can go on the first hold of the overhang and have your hand on the very left side of it and reach over to a hold to the left of the crow.

Continuing, you encounter more thorns and some tumbleweeds as well that you have to remove to see and grab some holds. You get to another overhang, which you get past easily because there is not that many tumbleweed and thorns as before. After the overhang, around six holds up you have some thorns to the right of a hold, to the right of those thorns is a crimp hold, you follow that path and stumble across the Safety Helmet, which you collect and get back to the regular path. You then continue to scale the peak and summit the mount. You stamp your book and head for your cabin, or stay on peak to get the collectable and leave using your backpack.

Old groves skelf image 2.png

Once you get back to your cabin you get a knock at your door. You answer the door and Parcel Boy is there, he talks to you a bit and gives you the Six Point Crampons. This contraption that was made by Porter and allows you to kick off and stick onto walls. The six point crampons are one of the best and most useful piece of gear in the early peaks. You place your six point crampons on the right side of your shelf. Also you clean the safety helmet and place it on the second top shelf. Once you are done you open your book and select the next peak.

6 point crampons progression.png

The next peak Hangman's Leap. This peak is a cliff on the shore line. Once you enter the peak you head towards the holds that are on the rock formation in front of you. You climb to the left for three holds and then you have to use one of your ropes to reach the next hold that is under the other ones. Once you have placed your rope an dropped down, you see a rock coming out from the rock formation and on the other side of that rock is the next hold. Once you swing yourself to the hold you detach your rope and jump down to the holds below you Then you follow the trail of holds until you see a hold that is a good distance away that you must jump to. You jump to it and you grab onto it, you then move your body around to the other side of the rock that the hold is on and see another hold. You jump to that one as well and continue the path of holds.

After about 13 holds, you have to jump to get to another hold then continue doing the for the next 4ish holds in front of you. You then have to jump down to get to another hold and grab onto the hold that is to the left of that one. Once you have done that you must attach a rope to the rock face and drop down. Once you have done that you can see some holds, rope and a person. You must swing to get to the holds and once you swing enough you detach your self from the rope and grab onto one of the holds. You then grab the rope that is near the bottom of the rock and climb up to the person. They introduce them self as Lucy Walker, and tells you that it's nice to see another climber using their ropes and that her father was never a big fan of them. You then continue along the route that goes up and then to the side and along the rock face until you get to the end of the peak with the summit stamper. You stamp your book and go back to your cabin.

Hangmans leap progression.png

When you get back to your cabin somebody knocks on your door. You answer it and it's Albert the OAS official. He tells you that you are on a impressive pace and that if you see anybody's personal belongings on the peaks to collect them so the peaks are not so cluttered. He then greets you goodbye and leaves. Once you enter your cabin again you open your book and select the next peak.

Hangmans leap OAS progression.png

Intermediate Book Progression

Advanced Book Progression

True Ending Progression

Advanced Book Progression

Expert Book Progression

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