Safety Rope

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Safety Rope

Item Description

  • A sturdy dynamic dynamic Saftey Rope with limited length. Best used before starting a difficult section, in case one needs to explore the route. Also includes a Safety Harness.
  • Can be accessed with hotkey "R" or inventory belt while on peaks. Attach and detach rope anchors to any rock wall.


You first obtain The Safety rope after completing three Fundamentals peaks. After that you can obtain up to 41 more ropes on different peaks, so 42 total ropes in the game. Rope allows you to hang off walls through a rope and not fall to your demise. You can only go so far on a rope though, you can make it longer by getting double rope length later in the game by getting every collectable in The Great Gales. You can also detach yourself from a rope.

Rope Locations


Parcel Father Outside Cabin Delivering The Safety Rope

  • "Morning to ye!"
  • "I've got a parcel for ye!"
  • "Fella they call "porter" send me to deliver it."
  • "Said it was in honor of conquering yer basic peaks."
  • "Well, cherio!"
