Oscar Walker (Porter)

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Oscar Walker (Porter)
Oscar walker porter.png
Other Names
(fill in later)
Trading Card
Voice Actor
Alan Steadman
First Appearance

Character Description


On Greenhorn's Top

After Peak Cut-scene

  • "Oi lad, up here!"
  • "Yer one of them Peak-bagging types, eh?"
  • "I see ye've dressed the part, but are ye sure yer can climb with them scrawny mitts of yers?"
  • "Well, the route starts over there to yer left. Lets see what ye've got!"

Falling Twice

  • "Oi, lad! Ye need a hand?"
  • "Quit flalin' round like a bloody pendulum and grab me hand!"

Summiting After Falling Twice

  • "Not bad for a first ascent with all that swingin' around. But I suppose you have to start somewhere."
  • "Go ahead and claim yer stamp. If yer no quittin already, I'm sure we'll meet again."


  • "Ah, not a pretty sight flailin' round like that, but I suppose 'gratulations is in order."
  • "Go ahead and claim yer stamp. If yer no quittin already, I'm sure we'll meet again."

On The Lighthouse

Talking To Them

  • "Oh, sorry laddie! Could've sworn I saw a bloody siren out there amongst the waves."
  • "Ah, got my parcel I see? A vital piece of equipment for any climber!"
  • "I se ye also put it on the right side of ye belt, same as I used to."
  • "Well, feel free to practise yer use of it on this ol' pile o' rubble. Bricks are falling out anyway!"

On Old Man Of Sjór

After Peak Cut-scene

  • "Ahoy! Up here, laddie!"
  • "Take care o' those bloody winged devils!"
  • "The Old Man 'ere usually brings down the spirit of ye greenhorns, so I brought an extra rope for ye! I'll toss it down!"
  • "Here! Good luck!"


  • "Ye know, I'm quite impressed. With all that fallin', yer bones must be made o' rubber!"
  • "Personally, I'd say quit the butt-flossin' with them ropes and risk some leaps. How else are ye gonna send the greater peaks, eh?"
  • "Now go on and get yer stamp! I didn't take me break here to baby-sit!"

On Giant's Shelf

After Peak Cut-scene

  • "Agh! Bloody crimps!"

Talking To Them

  • "Ah, goin' to try and best these crimp holds too, eh?
  • "They'll get those scrawny mitts of yers roughened up in no time!"
  • "Me daughter makes short work o' these though my hands are no what they used to be."
  • "The key is to make a quick, but calculated move."
  • "Well I'll take a break meself, but best of luck to ye!"

On Old Grove's Skelf

Talking To Them

  • "How're ye doin', lad?"
  • "Just havin' a wee break. Been tinkering with this here steel, tryin' to fashion somethin' to aid the climbin'."
  • "Tell ye what. Ye summit this ol' skelf, and I'll send ye the device when it's finished, eh?"
  • "Sound good? Well best o' luck."

On Aldr Grotto

Talking To Them

  • "Ah, afternoon lad. Making good progress, eh?"
  • "I'll tell ye what, if yer afraid of the dark, best turn back lad. Can't see a bloody thing in there!"
  • "Feel free to use the lantern if ye please.

Outside Cabin

After Beating Fifteen Peaks / Delivering The Intermediate Book

  • "Mornin' kiddoe!"
  • "Ye've done very well on them fundamentals!"
  • "I think it's time ye try some more technically challengin' climbin'!"
  • "Those mutton-punters at the Ascension Society took some convincing, but I've finally got the bouldering category properly established, would ye believe it?!
  • "Good luck to ye!"

Talking About The Reward For Beating His Records On All Of The Intermediate Peaks

  • "Afternoon, Lad!"
  • "If yer up for a challenge, I've got just the thing for ye."
  • "Ye remember the pocket watch I sent ye?"
  • "Well how about this; If ye beat my time on all ten of my boulders, I'll chuck in a wee reward for ye. Sound good?"
  • "Remember, it has to be in my bouldering category which the OAS had the nerve to call "Intermediate". Pfft, bollocks!"
  • "Good luck to ye, lad!"

Giving You The Pipe

  • "Afternoon, lad!"
  • "So ye beat all of my boulderin' records then, eh? Well done, lad!"
  • "Now ye may be wonderin' what the secrets to being a great mountaineer is, and I can tell ye."
  • "Relax! That's it. And what better way to relax than with a good ol' pipe in yer gob, eh?"
  • "This is for you, lad."
  • "Keep up the good climbin', lad."

Delivering The Aeronautic Lines

  • "Afternoon, kiddoe!"
  • "I must say - ye've done very well on the Great Tines."
  • "In my honest opinion, only the very best of mountaineers find themselves capable on such peaks."
  • "But ye know, for mountaineers such as ye and I - it's freeing for the soul, eh?"
  • "Now are ye ready for a true challenge?"
  • "I must tell ye, what I'm about to propose is not for the faint of heart!"
  • "To the very north lies ab enormous, perhaps boundless mount. A mount that is yet unconquered by any soul."
  • "Very few dare approach it... Even the path to get there is arduous and treacherous. It will test the very best of yer climbing!"
  • "They say that to climb this mount is to anger the Gods!" Bah! In my years of experience; if it's there, why shoulden't we climb it?!"
  • "Took some convincin' but I put my recommendation down for ye and managed to get another ticket for the journey."
  • "Assuming yer interested, eh?"
  • "Oh, and I've included another tool ye'll be needing."
  • "Now the mountains are calling and I must go!"

On Old Hagger

Talking To Them

  • "A dreich afternoon, kiddoe."
  • "I was just a few meters up before the Old Hagger here brought about this deluge."
  • "These mountains have plans of their own, I tell ye."
  • "Me daughter and I used to climb this peak together, but we haven't spoken in a long while."
  • "I suppose she's enjoying the solitude from her naggin' old man!"
  • "I'd advise ye use the overhangs on the route for shelter. Most of the holds are bloody slippery!"
  • "Best o' luck on yer ascent lad."

On Porter's Boulder

After Peak Cut-scene

  • "Up here laddie! Glad to see ye made it!"
  • "So ye ready for some bouldering, eh?"
  • "These routes are short indeed, but will need very calculated moves!"
  • "Oh, and keep in mind;"
  • "No ropes or crampons! They'll mess up the routes!"
  • "Now, give it yer best!"


  • "Well bless my pipe, perhaps ye do have a boulderer in yerself."
  • "Oh, don't ye worry kiddoe. They'll get much harder."

On Cromlech

After Peak Cut-scene

  • "Oi lad, up here!"
  • "Looks like its brewin' up a storm!"
  • "Most likely bad omens are afoot, lad. Though, that's not going to stop us mountaineers!"


  • "Bloody hell, this place is cursed!"
  • "Best get out of here before we get toasted!"