OAS President (Rodrick)

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OAS President (Rodrick)
Oas president rodrick.png
Other Names
(fill in later)
Voice Actor
Alan Fairweather
First Appearance

Character Description


Outside Cabin

Delivering The Map Of Great Gales And Barometer

  • "Good day to ye, lad!"
  • "I'm here on the behalf of the Official Ascension Society. Ye've made great progress so far."
  • "Perhaps ye've seen some of the stuff left behind on peaks by other mountaineers?"
  • "If ye comes across a lot of these, we'll put in some rewards for yer trouble."
  • "I've brought somthin' that might be useful to ye in that endeavour."
  • "Keep up the climbin' spirit, lad!"

Delivering The Fundamentals Medal

  • "Good day to ye, fellow mountaineer!"
  • "We at the Official Ascension Society have been very impressed with yer progress of late!"
  • "In recognition of yer completion of the Fundamentals Category, we have decided to award ye with the appropriate honors."
  • "These are for you."
  • "Keep up the great climbin"!"

Delivering The Intermediate Medal

  • "Afternoon, fellow mountaineer!"
  • "I am here on behalf of the Official Ascension Society."
  • "Ye've made quite easy work of them boulders, eh?"
  • "In respect of our traditions, I've come to award ye with yer well-earned accolades, for completing the Intermediate category."
  • "I hope we meet again!"

Delivering The Advanced Medal

  • "Well met, great mountaineer!"
  • "Ye've done some real impressive mountaineering as of late!"
  • "In recognition of yer efforts and by recommendation of everyone at the Official Ascension Society, I come bringing yer well-deserved awards."
  • "Ye are on ye way to becoming a true pioneer indeed!"
  • "Here, these are for ye."
  • "Well done lad. Good day!"

Giving you Unlimited chalk & Coffee

  • "Well met, laddie!"
  • "We at the Offical Ascension Society have been watching yer progress closely."
  • "On behalf of us all, I'd like to thank ye for gathering up all of these items from our precious peaks."
  • "The peaks are lookin' brand-spanking new, if I may say so meself!"
  • "For your trouble, we'd like to reward ye of course! Oh, and the brothers Pearse send their regards as well."
  • "Good day to ye, lad!"

On Great Gaol

Talking To Them

  • "Ye alrigh' lad? Spectacular climb, innit?"
  • "Nothin' like gettin' away from all that damn paper-work and venture out onto these magnificently tall mounts!"
  • "The duties of being President nags me at every day, but I try to spend most of my time on the rock!"
  • "Oh, by the way. As a wee reward, why don't ye take this rope?
  • "Best o' luck on yer next summits, lad! Plenty of challenges ahead."

On St. Haelga

Approaching them

  • "Ah, steady on, lad!"

Talking To Them

  • "Looks like yer makin' good progress on these Tines, lad. Well done."
  • "I'm just restin' and takin' in the views for a wee bit."
  • "Don't let the pitches on this ol' rock get the best of ye, lad."
  • "Oh, since ye made it this far, here's some extra rope. Might come in handy for the taller mounts to come!"
  • "Better to take ye time and scout ahead with the help of them ropes rather than takin' a fall ye'll regret!"
  • "Go on now, before yer fingers fall off!"