Hangman's Leap

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Porter quote.png “Happy the mountain traveller who starts on his … days walk among the alps … brushing the dew before him and, armed with his staff, makes for the hill-top.” - JAMES DAVID FORBES
Hangman's Leap
Hangman's leap.png
A steep cliff on the shore-line. This route requires safety ropes and has sections where leaping is necessary.
8.10 meters
Technical Grade
( ) : No obstacles

Hangman's Leap is a difficult peak from the fundamentals book. This peak introduces the concept of downward movement on a route as well as rope swinging. It could be considered the first of three cliff-face climbs.

About Peak

Hangman's Leap is located on the seaward side of an island in the northeast of The Great Gales. The climb seems to be located high above the waters at the top of a sea cliff. Several rocks can be seen in the waters below, and one can look out upon a seemingly vast sea from both the beginning and the end of the climb.

Hangman's leap, Despite its macabre name, bears no evidence of any executions taking place on the cliff. Rather, the name seems to be a tongue-in-cheek reference to the suggested way of navigation: ropes and rope swinging. It is also one of three notable cliff face climbs in the first book, with the other two being Land's End and Old Langr. This peak has no cruxes nor any birds or crimps.

During the climb, you'll meet Lucy Walker in the latter half near the end. She'll congratulate you on making it this far then let you continue on to the peak.


The player starts at the cliff edge with three hand holds directly in front of them, the third of which bears several nails in it. After leaping over to this hold, the easiest method is to rope in here then let go until the rope catches the play. A hold on the underside of the rock should be visible from this point.

The climb continues horizontally until the player happens across an overhang with a long grip at the bottom of it along with more nails embedded in it. The player then swings over to this hold and rounds the corner, after which another stone hold can be seen above. A rope may be used here, as this is an easy spot to fall.

After making this jump, the player can ascend upwards easily via several holds up to the bottom of the cliff overhang, where they should then climb across the bottom before coming across another outcrop of rock. From here, the player can continue forwards by either sticking to the cliff face, where handholds will lead the player to just above the final leap, or simply swing over to it from the outcrop.

After making their way to the final leap, the player should use a rope here as the next steps are not very clear from their current perspective. The easiest method is to let go of the hold after roping yourself in. Once at the end of it, the player should be able to see the rest of the path on a steeply sloped rock before them. By swinging back and forth, the player should build momentum until they feel they have enough. After this, they should make a final swing, detach their rope, and leap over to the other side. Hence, the name "Hangman's Leap"

The climb from here is simple, though a section where the path leads up the edge of a gently sloping rock can cause difficulty in terms of perspective and position. After this section, a simple climb up will lead to the peak, where the player can take in the view of a vast ocean.



Go at any pace as you want, it is impossible to die on this peak since there is water at the bottom.



leader board: https://www.speedrun.com/Peaks_of_Yore/leaderboards?h=hangman-s-leap-pocketwatch-1-5-4&x=l_kwjl8ezd-9d8zw9wd

Pocketwatch% Pipe Only

leader board: https://www.speedrun.com/Peaks_of_Yore/leaderboards?h=hangman-s-leap-pocketwatch-pipe-only&x=l_kwjl8ezd-mke168n2
