Giant's Shelf

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Porter quote.png “We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us.” - JOHN MUIR
Giant's Shelf
Giant's shelf.png
A natural arch in sprawling woodland. The route sports a number of crimp-holds, making quick decision-making vital.
12.56 meters
Technical Grade
( ) : No obstacles

Giant's Shelf is a difficult peak from the fundamentals book. It introduces a new kind of hold called "Crimps", which drain stamina over a short period of time. As well as non-vertical movements across a rock face. Unlike the previous two peaks, the Giant's Shelf contains no Tumbleweed nor birds.

About Peak

The Giant's Shelf appears to be a natural arch formed at the top edge of a medium-sized, wooded valley. It's "peak" is less of a peak in the traditional sense, but rather the end of a challenging climb, as a higher point can be seen as soon as the player loads in.

Porter will greet the player as they first load in, complaining about the crimps and explaining how they work. He then offers the player a rope but tries to convince the player that it should not be used, as he feels the "risk" of a jump is something to be wanted.

The route has little to no forks, only one near the end that will lead to a collectible. However, the route is significantly more non-linear than previous routes, as it requires the player to climb underneath the shelf using a newly introduced hold: crimps. The route also contains sections where the player is meant to leap from hold to hold. The path, however, is rather direct, and there are no technical challenges present on the climb.


The path up begins with a small series of crimps on the wall the player is facing that ends in a long, vertical grip that may be tricky to see on first ascent. After reaching the final hold, the route heads across the bottom side of the shelf in a series of crimps with normal holds interspersed. Transverse this section like you would monkey-bars: swinging with one hand and gripping the next hold with the other.

Immediately following this section, the path heads back up the side of the shelf a bit before returning to a horizontal movement until the tip of the shelf. While rounding the tip of the shelf, the player must execute a series of leaps until they reach the final stretch of the climb.

In the final stretch, there are a few crimps as well as a few normal holds. At the very end, a fork appears where the player can either continue up towards the summit, or move down and around an outcrop that hides a collectible.

The summit is rather spacious and allows the player lots of room to move about and enjoy the scenery. Falling off will knock-out the player, however.



Get to know where each hold is and then try to get from hold to hold quickly so you can regain your grip on regular holds.



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Sleeping bag

"A small rolled-up sleeping bag. Whoever left this behind must be some kind of wildman."
