Parcel Boy

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Parcel Boy
Other Names
(fill in later)
Voice Actor
Kirsty MacLaren
First Appearance

Character Description


Outside Cabin

Delivering The Gramophone

  • "Oh! Goodmorning!"
  • "Blimey! Ye must be here to do the Peak-Bagging challenge, eh?!"
  • "They say it's the toughest challenge a climber can do!"
  • "I love to climb meself, though my pa ain't much for me doing so."
  • "Anyhow, I've got a big parcel for ye!"
  • "Older fella sent me to deliver it to ye, in regards to yer first ascents!"
  • "Good day to ye!"

Delivering The Six Point Crampons

  • "Ah good day!"
  • "Gosh, must be so nice to stay out here in the wilderness, climbing all day?"
  • "I can't wait to finish my delivering schedule so I can go out climbing too."
  • "Maybe I could come along on yer next climb, right? I could carry yer tools for ye! You could teach me some of yer climbing techniques in exchange!"
  • "Oh sorry, I talk too much when I'm excited! I've got a parcel for ye!"
  • "Hope to see ye soon!"

Giving You The Pocket Watch

  • "Afternoon to ye!"
  • "Don't mean to alarm ye but ye are definitely the talk of the town!"
  • "That pipe-puffin' fella wanted me to bring this to ye. That fella's made o' rock I tell ye. No peak's too challenging for him!"
  • "He came up with the whole boulderin" type o' climbin! Wish he'd teach me some!"
  • "I'll be going off to try some boulders meself! Oh, almost forgot... Here ye go!"
  • "Be seeing ye!"

Delivering The Ten Point Crampons

  • "Morning, great climber!"
  • "Another parcel for ye!"
  • "Pipe-smokin' fella said he made some enhancements to one of yer tools. They look bloody amazing too!"
  • "I mean!"
  • "I swear, the wrappings were already like this!"
  • "Here ye go!"
  • "Conquer those peaks!"

On Land's End

Approaching Them

  • "Oh, it's you!"
  • "Are ye going to get the stamp on this route too? Amazing!"
  • "Ye know, I got roped into climbing today by yerself!"
  • "As soon as I got into it, it was love at first height! Haha!"
  • "No deliveries today, so I thought I'd do some climbing, just like you!"
  • "Lot's of gulls about today too, so better be careful!"

On Wuthering Crest

Approaching Them

  • "Bloody hell, it's windy out today!"
  • "If you're going to summit this peak, best be careful about these damn gusts of wind!"
  • "But chalk about an amazing view! Hehe!"
  • "You know, I'd love to climb this peak, but I really don't seen the point!"
  • "I'm sure this is nothing for you, I just wanted to give it a go! It really peaks my interest! Haha!"

On Sundered Sons

Approaching Them

  • "Oh, hello again! So you're a boulderer now too?! That's amazing!"
  • "Im not doing too great on these boulders I'm afraid."
  • "Perhaps I need to be boulder on my next climb!"
  • "You go on, I'm sure this will be easy for you!"


  • "Wow, you really are the best!"