Safety Harness

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Safety Harness
Safety harness.png

Item Description

  • A sturdy dynamic dynamic Safety Rope with limited length. Best used before starting a difficult section, in case one needs to explore the route. Also includes a Safety Harness.
  • Allows the collection of rope anchors while being attached. -WARNING- Summiting using this tool will substitute certain late game achievements. INTERACT to wear Safety Harness.


You first obtain the Safety Harness after completing three Fundamentals peaks. After that you can use it whenever you go back to the cabin and enter a peak. The Safety Harness will allows you to collect ropes when anchored into the wall. Using this will substitute later game achievements, an example of this is if you use the Safety Harness while climbing Great Gaol you would end up getting the achievement Great Gaol (Harnessed) instead of the achievement Great Gaol Achievement.


Parcel Father Outside Cabin Delivering the Safety Harness

  • "Morning to ye!"
  • "I've got a parcel for ye!"
  • "Fella they call "porter" send me to deliver it."
  • "Said it was in honor of conquering yer basic peaks."
  • "Well, cherio!"
