Lucy Walker

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Lucy Walker
Lucy walker.png
Other Names
(fill in later)
Voice Actor
Wendy Lap
First Appearance

Character Description


On Hangman's Leap

Approaching Them

  • "Oh, well done!"
  • "Name's Walker, pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • "Nice to see another climber not afraid of usin' their ropes. My father was never a big fan of them."
  • "I'd say jam the teat and move yer feet! Why bring em if yer ain't gonna use em?"
  • "Now if you don't mind, I have a few more holds to figure out."

On Ugsome Storr

Approaching Them

  • "Oh, fancy meeting ye here!"
  • "Truth be told, I didn’t see ye making it here. I am impressed!"
  • "I used to climb 'ere a lot with papa but since he's a stubborn ol' fool, we haven't spoken lately."
  • "Say, if you ever intend on taking on The Great Tines, perhaps ye'd fancy a co-climb?"
  • "Unless ye prefer the solitude, of course. The Tines are challenging indeed!"
  • "Oh by the way, I believe the crux is just across the overhang here."
  • "I'll be resting for a wee bit. Do mind yer head!"

Outside Cabin

Delivering the Advanced Book

  • "Good day to ye, friend."
  • "Ye've made great progress on yer boulderin' skills. Those are of no small technical feat!"
  • "With yer current progress, I think it's time you try some bigger peaks."
  • "I will soon be heading out for The Great Tines meself. I'm hoping to see ye there!"
  • "Best of luck!"

After Receiving The Porter Family Photo/ Giving You The Rope 2x Length

  • "Well met, my friend!"
  • "Thank you so much for sending that photo of our family. It put some perspective back into my dad."
  • "Papa and I have started climbing gain together recently, all thanks to you!"
  • "As a token of our gratitude, we've acquired some new gear that we hope ye'll put to great use."
  • "Here, this is for you."
  • "I hope we meet again some day! Best of luck!"

On Walker's Pillar

Talking To Them

  • "Oh, afternoon."
  • "Just for yer consideration, the Pillar 'ere has a number of sections where chalk will come in handy."
  • "If you want to climb this peak together, do let me know."

Accept Co-climb

  • "Great!"
  • "Follow m' lead."

Scripted Event: Grab One

  • "That hold up there is a bit far."
  • "Here, take my hand. Unless ye fancy making the jump yerself?"

Scripted Event: Crimp Section

  • "We've got a section of crimps comin' up."
  • "Better mind yer grip!"

Scripted Event: Grab Two

  • "Here, I'll give yer a boost for this next hold."

Scripted Event: Rambling About Her Father

  • "This is going rather well, I'd say!"
  • "We look to be about halfway up."
  • "Ye know, I appreciate the company. It brings memories of papa and I climbin' together."
  • "Perhaps tearing up his lucky photo of him and I was out of line."
  • "I just wish he'd be careful and stop being a reckless dunderhead."
  • "I have been looking for the pieces of that photo but they seem proper lost I'm afraid."
  • "Any who, enough rambling, we still have the Crux to pass."
  • "Let's continue."

Scripted Event: Crux

  • "There we are, the Belly of the Pillar."
  • "I will meet ye on the other side. Good luck to ye!"

Scripted Event: Near The Top

  • "That didn't take as long as anticipated!"
  • "I see yer previous summits have paid off, well done."
  • "Only a bit further now, I can see the top from here!"


  • "Well done! Well done indeed!"
  • "It was a right pleasure to summit with ye."
  • "Ah, since I didn't use any of me ropes, why don't you have it?"
  • "Go ahead and get yer stamp, ye earned it!"

Random Chat

  • "Ah, great job."
  • "Nicely done."
  • "Good."
  • "Marvelous climbing!"
  • "Well done."
  • "Just another hold."