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Item Description

  • A fine gift which can help liven up the quiet cabin life. Comes with a selection of classics.
  • Left click to play to the next song, and right click to turn the gramophone off.


You get this item from Porter and was deliver to you by Parcel Boy. You obtain this item after you beat two Fundamental peaks. This item can play music for you in your cabin.


Parcel Boy Outside Cabin Delivering The Gramophone

  • "Oh! Goodmorning!"
  • "Blimey! Ye must be here to do the Peak-Bagging challenge, eh?!"
  • "They say it's the toughest challenge a climber can do!"
  • "I love to climb meself, though my pa ain't much for me doing so."
  • "Anyhow, I've got a big parcel for ye!"
  • "Older fella sent me to deliver it to ye, in regards to yer first ascents!"
  • "Good day to ye!"

