Six Point Crampons

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Six Point Crampons
6 point crampons.png

Item Description

  • Crudely hand-forged 6-point iron crampons. Allows the climber to rest, as well as preform a short leap off inclined rock walls. The wrappings reek of tobacco-smoke.
  • Press INTERACT to use 6-point crampons. decently increases wall-jump height. Use crampons to rest on any inclincing rock wall by pushing in against it while motionless. Also allows leaping off inclined walls.


You obtain the Six Point Crampons after you summit Old Grove's Skelf. The contraption was made by Porter and delivered to you by Parcel Boy. The Six Point Crampons allow you to kick off of walls and stick onto walls if you stick your crampons into them, which is extremely useful on the beginning peaks.


Porter On Old Grove's Skelf Talking About Six Point Crampons

  • "How're ye doin', lad?"
  • "Just havin' a wee break. Been tinkering with this here steel, tryin' to fashion somethin' to aid the climbin'."
  • "Tell ye what. Ye summit this ol' skelf, and I'll send ye the device when it's finished, eh?"
  • "Sound good? Well best o' luck."

Parcel Boy Outside Cabin Delivering The Six Point Crampons

  • "Ah good day!"
  • "Gosh, must be so nice to stay out here in the wilderness, climbing all day?"
  • "I can't wait to finish my delivering schedule so I can go out climbing too."
  • "Maybe I could come along on yer next climb, right? I could carry yer tools for ye! You could teach me some of yer climbing techniques in exchange!"
  • "Oh sorry, I talk too much when I'm excited! I've got a parcel for ye!"
  • "Hope to see ye soon!"
