The Twins

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Porter quote.png “Mountains have a way of dealing with overconfidence.” - HERMANN BUHL
The Twins
The twins.png
A shorter pair of stacks, however, looks can be deceiving. The route's first half offers a brisk climb, yet the second requires climbers to overcome the Crux.
26.29 meters
Technical Grade
( ) : No obstacles
The Leap of Faith

The Twins is a severe peak from the fundamentals book. They serve as the introduction to the concept of cruxes as well as the idea of climbing between two adjacent faces. You also acquire Coffee on your first time loading the peak.

About Peak

The Twins are a pair of stacks along a lake shore in The Great Gales. The land they're on seems to be on a small peninsula reaching out into a horseshoe-shaped lake, populated only by scant trees and a few boulders, but one can see a larger forest on the other side of the lake.

Though no new technical challenges are presented on this map (i.e. birds, crimps, etc.). There are no tumbleweed nor birds on this climb.

Archie and Douglas will already be at the peak when you first arrive, and will be complaining about the difficulty of the crux. When they spot you, they will inform you of it, and tell you its name: "The Leap of Faith". They will also offer you the rest of the coffee they were drinking, giving you a new item to use during your climbs.


The climb, though severe due to the crux, is rather straight forward. Quite literally, as one moves forwards towards the lake while in the crevice between The Twins to begin the ascent. Be wary, as several of the holds present here are crimps. Once at the end, a simple, vertical climb on the smaller of the Twins is the next part of the route.

Upon nearing the peak of the smaller of the Twins, the player must switch to the other side, beginning the part of the climb that takes place solely on the taller of the Twins. A short, simple horizontal climb with a few crimps follows the switch, after which the player will spot a few nails driven into an overhang in the rock.

Crux - The Leap of Faith

The leap of faith is the first crux the player will ever conquer. As indicated by the nails in the rock, the player should feel free to use a rope if if they so choose.

As the name implies, the player must take a leap of faith upwards to the hold above them. This is best done with both hands on the same, highest hold followed by a pull-up and leap to the following hold. If done well enough, the player will easily be able to fly up to the hold above. If done on the first time loading the map, Archie and Douglas will congratulate the player and offer words of encouragement.

After this, a simple horizontal climb to a crimp-filled vertical climb will bring the player to the peak.

The peak allows the player to see the lake at which The Twins sit at the center of. Furthermore, the player can leap off to the top of the shorter twin and be able to stand there as well, though they should be sure to get the stamp before doing this.



I would say go fast for the first half then when you come to the crux slow down because there is not a lot of water below you anymore.



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Pocketwatch% Pipe Only

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The Leap Of Faith: 11.98m - 15.36m
