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Golden Pipe
Golden pipe.png

Item Description

  • A handmade smoking pipe. The tobacco has a soothing aroma. Increases climbing strength passively when equipped.
  • Increases climbing ability passively when used.
  • Golden Smoking Pipe: Awarded for beating all time records. (Cosmetic only) Right Click / Trigger to switch between Default and Gold.


  • The Pipe increases your your climbing ability passively when used. it is given to you by Porter for beating all of his Intermediate peak records using the Pocket Watch
  • In Order to get the Golden pipe you need to already have the Pipe and you need to beat all of the timed records in the The Great Gales and you will also get the achievement "The Great Gales Sender".


Porter Outside Cabin Talking About The Reward For Beating His Records On All Of The Intermediate Peaks

  • "Afternoon, Lad!"
  • "If yer up for a challenge, I've got just the thing for ye."
  • "Ye remember the pocket watch I sent ye?"
  • "Well how about this; If ye beat my time on all ten of my boulders, I'll chuck in a wee reward for ye. Sound good?"
  • "Remember, it has to be in my bouldering category which the OAS had the nerve to call "Intermediate". Pfft, bollocks!"
  • "Good luck to ye, lad!"

Porter Outside Cabin Giving You The Pipe

  • "Afternoon, lad!"
  • "So ye beat all of my boulderin' records then, eh? Well done, lad!"
  • "Now ye may be wonderin' what the secrets to being a great mountaineer is, and I can tell ye."
  • "Relax! That's it. And what better way to relax than with a good ol' pipe in yer gob, eh?"
  • "This is for you, lad."
  • "Keep up the good climbin', lad."
