Old Langr

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Porter quote.png “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.” - John Muir
Old Langr
Old langr.png
These coastal cliffs sports numerous holds with a brittle route. Climbers should be mindful of not lingering too long on fragile holds.
40 meters
Technical Grade
(+) : Many obstacles

Old Langr is a difficult peak from the fundamentals book. This peak introduces crumble holds.

About Peak

"Langr" is an Old Norse adjective that roughly translates to "Long" or "Distant", even "Wearisome", which can be seen in its similarity to the modern German "Lang" and the English "Long", as well as several other Germanic languages in a similar form and/or pronunciation. Thus, the name could translate to "The Old Long/Distant (one/path/etc.)" or possibly "The Old Weary (one/path/etc.)". A fitting name seeing how not only are the holds frail and weak, but the climb can be tiresome to the climber.

Old Langr is located on the western coast of The Great Gales and roughly faces the Great Gaol further in the distance. It can be seen at any point on the map, but - of course - can be most easily seen from the summit. Its appearance is a stark contrast to the previous map: Land's End. Where Land's End had sharp, populated faces and eclectic holds, Old Langr has soft, wavy rocks and a dull grey color with holds very clear from the bottom.

The Pearse Brothers will greet you upon first load of the map, taking a break from their climb. They will tell you about their many tries and how they've been beaten down by their attempts, hence their break. They warn you of the crumbling holds, and wish you luck on your ascent.

An extra set of ropes as well as a collectible can be found on this map, the collectible being clearly visible from the start near the top of the cliff.


The player can start at the first handhold if they choose, but if they walk further down the beach they can find a section where the holds are close enough to the ground to reach with either a simple jump or a crampon jump. Doing this will skip a decent portion of the climb. However, these holds are crumbling holds, so the player should take caution not to linger for too long and/or set a rope should the holds crumble off.

The route is clear from most points of the climb: go right. There is a small upwards section near the end that too is covered with this map's signature crumbling holds.

The trick to dealing with the crumbling holds is to move quickly, but with enough caution and awareness that it doesn't become a hindrance to the player. Several normal holds are placed within the crumbling ones, so moving from one normal hold to the other should be the main focus, using the crumble holds as a method to transverse the distance between them.



Take your time and make sure that you only rest on holds that are not crumble holds.



leader board: https://www.speedrun.com/Peaks_of_Yore/leaderboards?h=old-langr-pocketwatch-1-5-4&x=l_owo1e2y9-9d8zw9wd

Pocketwatch% Pipe Only

leader board: https://www.speedrun.com/Peaks_of_Yore/leaderboards?h=old-langr-pocketwatch-pipe-only&x=l_owo1e2y9-mke168n2


Coffee box

"A box of coffee. Adds 2 additional coffee swig uses."
