Fundamentals Medal

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Fundamentals Medal
Fundamentals medal.png

Item Description

  • You have been awarded the "Fundamental Completionist" medal. In recognition of summiting all peaks in the Fundamentals category.
  • Awarded by the OAS for summiting every peak in the "Fundamentals" category.
  • For your climbing efforts, the OAS awards you with complementary Ropes, Chalk and Coffee. (+2 each)


You first obtain the item after summiting every Fundamental peak. You get two ropes, chalk and coffee each as well.


OAS President Outside Cabin Delivering The Fundamentals Medal

  • "Good day to ye, fellow mountaineer!"
  • "We at the Official Ascension Society have been very impressed with yer progress of late!"
  • "In recognition of yer completion of the Fundamentals Category, we have decided to award ye with the appropriate honors."
  • "These are for you."
  • "Keep up the great climbin"!"
