Chalk Bag

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Chalk Bag
Chalk bag.png

Item Description

  • An old used leather bag, filled with chalk. Completely negates the grip-draining effects of crimps. Chalk will vanish gradually with each grip.
  • Can be accessed with hotkey "V" or through inventory belt while on peaks. Chalk will vanish gradually with each grip.


You first obtain the Chalk Bag after completing 18 Fundamental peaks. You receive the Chalk Bag from Parcel Father and was sent by Walter and Walter's Wife. If you apply chalk to your hands it won't apply the effects of crimps to your hands. But if you any grab onto a hold five times then the effects of the chalk will go away. You can get infinite Chalk by collecting all the collectables in The Great Gales.

Chalk Box Locations


Parcel Father Outside Cabin Delivering The Chalk Bag

  • "Good day to ye."
  • "Hope me son's not causin' ye trouble."
  • "I've got another parcel for you."
  • "An older couple that sends their regards. They say it's a small gift in token of yer friendship and yer accomplishments."
  • "Well, safe travels to ye!"
